MGBP Surgery
Gaining rapid popularity all over the world recently, mini gastric bypass surgery (MGBP) is considered to be a safe, rapid and quick surgical procedure, which is performed to make the stomach smaller and reroute the intestines. To get rid of obesity, MGBP is considered to be one of the most effective types of bariatric surgeries by many. Keep on reading to find out more about what mini gastric bypass surgery is.
How is MGBP surgery performed?
In mini gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is divided with the help of a laparoscopic stapler, which makes the stomach much smaller in size. Then, around 2 to 6 feet of the intestines are bypassed as well, attaching the remainder to the new stomach. While the reduction in the size of the stomach helps in restricting the food intake, making one feel full sooner, the bypassing of the intestines (up to 6 feet) helps in less food absorption, which automatically helps in weight loss or putting a stop to excessive weight gain.
What are the benefits?
- Decreased risk of developing conditions that are usually caused by obesity
- Relief from obesity-associated symptoms like sleep apnoea, diabetes, edema, arthritic pain, high blood pressure, etc.
- Lesser chances of complication during and after the surgery
Are there any risk factors involved?
Every surgical procedure has its own risks and complications. For MGBP, minor to significant complications may occur after the surgery, which is similar to that of the gastric bypass surgery. Some of the risk factors include:
- Minor incision infections
- Ulcers
- Digestive issues
- Hernias
- People may experience a few side effects too, such as dizziness, nausea or diarrhoea. Though very rare, major complications like leakage in the staple line, and pulmonary embolism may also occur within the first week of the surgery.
What is the probable recovery period?
Being a minimally invasive surgical procedure, the whole procedure can be performed within an hour or less and the patient can resume his or her normal activity within 10 to 15 days. Spending 1 or 2 days at the hospital and maximum of 3 weeks to completely recover is what takes to say goodbye to your extra weight gain with the help of MGBP.
To know more about MGBP and to understand whether this procedure will be ideal for you to get rid of your excess weight, consult a qualified bariatric specialist. Be it the standard variation of this particular surgical procedure or the cost involved that worries you, a medical professional can certainly answer all your queries.